PinnedDr. ir Johannes DrooghaagImposter SyndromeThere is a very healthy voice inside most of us that tells us to check for typos before we send out an email. That same voice inside our…Oct 19, 2021Oct 19, 2021
PinnedDr. ir Johannes DrooghaagCOVID19 and the UK — The Lost 6 weeks!There was a lot of uncertainty about COVID19 at the beginning of January. Was it a local problem? How did it transmit? While most experts…May 1, 2020May 1, 2020
Dr. ir Johannes DrooghaagBring Your Own Coffee — important announcement!Due to the horrible war in Ukraine, our team and partners devote all available time, energy, and resources to provide aid to refugees from…Mar 24, 2022Mar 24, 2022
Dr. ir Johannes DrooghaagYour personal and professional cybersecurity matters more than ever beforeMar 10, 2022Mar 10, 2022
Dr. ir Johannes DrooghaagTension are rising rapidly and cyber is the next (Global) battlefieldFeb 22, 2022Feb 22, 2022
Dr. ir Johannes DrooghaagCybersecurity — the human elementCybersecurity should everybody’s business, but it appears that cybersecurity still isn’t everybody’s cup of tea…Jan 30, 2022Jan 30, 2022
Dr. ir Johannes DrooghaagWeekly newsletter of Dr. Ir Johannes (JD) Drooghaag — Issue #16There are 2 very important rules in Supply Chain:Jan 17, 2022Jan 17, 2022